Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have finally arrived in Dharamsala at the Sarha school. We spent several days in New Delhi being tourists and then enjoyed a 14 hour drive to our location in Dharamsala. We are in the lower altitudes of Dharamsala, but it's still pretty cold. I'm rooming with a 28 year old monk who is going to school here. His name, in short is Tsampo. I say "in short" because Tibetans and monks especially have long Buddhist names so most people call them by a shorter form. He's quite friendly but has limited English, yet it's still more than my Tibetan.

The scenery is gorgeous. I will post pictures (attempt to anyway) very soon, as long as the slow internet allows it. The views from the rooftops overlook the valley on one side and the other is a grand view of the Himalayas. This area is known as the Daodar region, known for the Daodar pines.

We've finally gotten settled here and start class on Tuesday, so hopefully posting pictures will be easier.

There is much more to be said, but not the time to say it. That's all for now.

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